Homemade Mayonnaise with Quattrociocchi Novello Olive Oil

On Filippo Alampi’s recent visit (remember, he’s from Fattoria Ramerino in Tuscany), we selected Quattrociocchi’s Olivastro for a homemade mayonnaise (to serve with All-American) lobster rolls.

We had a bit of time to experiment in the kitchen and in 10 minutes made superb homemade mayonnaise! 

Homemade Mayonnaise with Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 egg

1 1/2 teaspoons, Lemon Juice

Approximately, 3/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Olio Quattrociocchi (We also recommend Olivastro and Vittorio Cassini).

1/2 teaspoon Salt, Segreti di Sicilia (Frantoi Cutrera) Fine Sea Salt

With the wire whisk in the Kitchen Aid Mixer, combine the whole egg,  lemon juice, and salt. Whisk until blended, perhaps one minute. The color will be a nice yellow.

In a very thin stream, gradually add the extra virgin olive oil. Whisk constantly until mayonnaise has thickened and has very soft peaks. The color will be lighter. Cover and chill. Store in refrigerator and use within 2-3 days.
