The History of Laudemio in Tuscany

Amazing Scenes from Castello di Poppiano
Scenes from Castello di Poppiano, home to a superb Laudemio, Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Tuscany

The History of Laudemio in Tuscany.

It all began in the winter of 1985 with a terrible freeze that killed thousands upon thousands of olive trees through Tuscany. The losses suffered by many in the region became the focus for a group of olive oil producers. Those producers banded together for from the Laudemio Consortium.

We’ve gathered a few of the best articles about the freeze and the Laudemio producers.

Washington Post, The Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil Disaster (August 18, 1985)

Los Angeles Times, Italian Olive Groves Suffering Heavy Toll from Winter Freeze (September 1, 1985)

Washington Post, In the Italian Hills, Creating Intense Flavor – A Visit to Castello di Poppiano
(October 24, 2003)

Castello di Poppiano Extra Virgin and Laudemio Olive OIl
Excellence from Castello di Poppiano
Laudemio Today

Today some call Laudemio the perfect Tuscan olive oil. Excellent olive oil is more than just a condiment, it is an essential element of daily living. It is the food that makes a difference. Rich, well balanced, peppery. Use it to finish steaks, pasta, legumes, roasted vegetables, and tomato-based soups. Now crafted by 21 producers with all but two in the province of Florence. All are in Tuscany, north of Siena.

TooMuchTuscany, Olive Oil is an Art in Tuscany (March 19, 2014)

Enjoy Audrey Hepburn’s recipe, Exotic Caprese!

To add Castello di Poppiano Laudemio Extra Virgin Olive Oil to your fabulous meals, visit

To read more about Castello di Poppiano and how it is crafted, visit this link.
