This stunning group of extra virgin olive oils represents the best new olive oils available this week. These have just arrived from Italy and are now available at Olio2go to grace your table.
Which brings us to a funny point. Do you know that a fair number of Americans don’t recognize fresh olive oil?
News from UCDavis says that qualities favored by expert testers (called assagiatori in Italy) are not the same as those recognized by consumers. Those consumers seem to prefer characteristics tending toward rancidity. (Is that grocery store familiarity?) To us, this is a significant concern.
If you are hosting a tasting party for your friends, let us know when you place your order. We’ll be happy to include disposable tasting cups for your party. Share the joy of astoundingly good olive oil!
Left to Right, the oils are: Crudo (Puglia), Olivarte (Lazio), Frantoio di Sommaia (Tuscany), Titone Organic DOP Valli Trapanesi (Sicily), Castello di Volapaia Organic (Tuscany), Frescobaldi Laudemio (Tuscany), and Olio Verde al Limone (Sicily). You can see them all right here on one page.